Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year, New Goals for 2007

Have you made your new year resolutions? I have. I've never been much on making New Year resolutions, but this year I decided to shout out my goals.
  • Finish first draft of THE SWORDSWALLOWER'S DAUGHTER by January 15th.
  • Revise and send second draft to beta readers by March 1.
  • Send polished ms to agent by April 1.
  • Submit at least one short story each month to lit pubs.
  • Read more good books
  • Balance my personal life, my business life, and my creative life.
Are you a resolutionist? Do you want a place to shout out your resolutions? Feel free to post them here. The blogosphere is listening.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Four Words in Four Colors


Four words in four colors
Wishes all
For now and for tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shout out for my daughter

Today on LitPark Susan Henderson gave readers the opportunity to shout out something of themselves. I chose to shout out my 19-year-old daughter's blog Bella Voce. Elisabeth, or Elle-chan as we called her when she was born in Japan, delighted me last year when she exercised the freshman tradition and changed her major from political science to English. She hasn’t lost her political charge—as you will see when you read her review of Blood Diamond in her blog—but she has found her voice through writing. You may also remember my proud mama moment when I wrote of Elisabeth here back in September.

Give yourself a hug this holiday season.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Writers are more than the words they write

We are so much more than the words we write, yet the words we write draw from everything we are.

Sometimes I'm amazed at what flows from my mind, through my fingers, and onto the computer screen. This morning I wrote the above quote in a welcome note to a new member of my Knight Agency group. After I typed it I paused and smiled.