Monday, April 25, 2005

Ovations for Academic Achievement

Good parents love to talk about their children. No different am I. While I never gushed over their drool, I've dabbed my eyes a few times over their accomplishments. My firstborn, a daughter, is 17 and about to graduate HS. Last week she had two opportunities to shine.

On Tuesday she took third place in the Bank America Achievement Awards, Liberal Arts. She spun her essay around Tennyson’s The Lady of Shallott, which she had to compose on the spot from a blind theme.

Friday was Renaissance day when the high school throws a pep-rally for academic achievement. Although she'd been gunning for the big V since kindergarten, last semester she got a B in AP Calculus. With a 4.45 GPA she tied for salutatorian. She’s entering a University of California school in the fall. Ovations to our firstborn!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Carolyn. Loved reading about your daughter. May she enjoy her University and be as successful in the years ahead. Anyone who get above an F in any branch of mathematics gets my vote. Maths and I have never jelled.
Anyway, I hope you have as much fun with your Blog as my daughter-in-law in Denver does

Carolyn Burns Bass said...

I give ovations to anyone who has higher brain functions in mathmatics. My daughte takes after my left-brained hubby when it comes to analytical thinking. Yet I thought it brilliant how she wrapped her BofA essay around The Lady of Shallott. She may have some of my genetic material in her after all!